Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Stewart Platform

It's been a long time since I've posted here, and more has changed in my life than I can possibly fit into words, but here's a quick recap of what you missed in the last two years:

I transferred from Lehigh to Cornell University, mainly to allow me to spend more time with my twin brother.

I started a small business designing and selling small brushless quadcopters. Stay tuned for more on this in the near future.

I spent a summer doing hardware engineering at Amazon Prime Air.

Time permitting, I'd like to write more about each of these, as well as some of the cool school projects I've been working on, in the coming months. To start, here's a simplified version of a stewart platform that I worked on as a final project to my Microcontrollers class:

Our website and write-up for the project can be found here.

I also just found out that someone decided to write about the project on Hackaday as well:

Cheers! Hopefully I can find some time to post more updates on here soon.